
Cultivate Commissions is designed to support creative practitioners to work with and alongside communities in County Durham to increase participation in cultural activity that has a positive impact on community identity and a pride of place.

Successful applicants receive a commission to help research and develop approaches to participatory arts with and alongside communities that can add value to the cultural landscape of County Durham. The opportunity comes with funding, peer support, mentoring and guidance to help develop creative capacity within communities across County Durham.


Introducing Cultivate Commissions

Introducing Cultivate Commissions, new commissions available for creative practitioners to cultivate creativity and pride of place across County Durham. Cultivate Commissions are designed to support creative practitioners to work with and alongside communities in County Durham to increase participation in arts and creative activity.

Cultivate Commissions – Meet the Cohort

Cultivate Commissions are designed to support creative practitioners to work with and alongside communities in County Durham to increase participation in arts and creative activity that has a positive impact on communities. 

Led by No More Nowt and Northern Heartlands
Contact: Jess Hunt or Katy Milne

Into the Light is delivered by Durham County Council in partnership with Beamish Museum, The Bowes Museum, Durham University, Ensemble ’84, The Forge, No More Nowt, Northern Heartlands, Redhills CIO and TIN Arts. It is funded by Durham County Council, the National Lottery through Arts Council England, the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Durham University. The work is supported by Culture Durham and Visit County Durham.